Young Adults

Hope Valley Young Adults is a community of everyday 18-29 year olds who seek to grow as apprentices of Jesus and live out God's kingdom on earth. Young Adults are fully integrated into the life of Hope Valley Church, engaging in Sunday services, serving on ministry teams, and contributing to the mission of making disciples who make disciples. 


Throughout the year we gather for fellowship, food, and fun! Our events range from social activities, to prayer and worship gatherings, or teaching nights where we discuss diverse issues relevant to young adults and explore the outworking of Christian faith in our contemporary culture. 


Young Adults meet mid-week, often in homes, to discuss, learn, and grow authentically in character as apprentices of Jesus. Scripture, prayer, and New Testament community are central to these discipleship gatherings. 

Interested in joining a YA Life Group? Fill out the form today! 


Throughout the year smaller groups of YAs meet up to share spontaneous experiences and adventures. At Hope Valley we believe belonging is just the beginning. Stay in the loop by following us on Instagram and contact Charis Button to be added to our FB messenger chat!



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